USHBC’s new strategic positioning and call-to-action, Grab a Boost of Blue, is focused on driving demand and increasing sales.
Coupled with smart promotions throughout the year and designed to tap into consumers’ passion for blueberries, this message seeks to inspire and motivate them to enjoy more of the fruit they love, in more ways and more often.
Grab: Motivates a strong call to action to pick up a fresh clamshell or frozen bag of blueberries
a Boost: Promotes positive energy, health and great taste
of Blue: Delivers on the unique colour, health benefits and deliciousness that only one stand-out food item can provide.
Research shows that Grab a Boost of Blue resonates with consumers and blueberries drive the bottom line.
87% and 68% of shoppers indicated they would purchase fresh or frozen blueberries on their next grocery trip1 57% and 43% of shoppers indicated they intend to buy fresh or frozen blueberries at least once a week2.